Haberdashery (ha-bər-ˌda-sh(ə-)rē): A curated collection of various odds and ends—including wallpapers, icons, and other digital extras—shared here for your enjoyment. These items may not warrant a full blog post, but they’re too good to keep to myself.
iPad Air + Tiger Redux
A pair of new colours, inspired by the iPad Air, for my macOS Tiger wallpaper.
iPad Air Gradient
A recreation of Apple’s calming gradient wallpaper used on the original 2013 iPad Air.
Total Solar Eclipse
A rare total solar eclipse is occurring across North America on April 08, 2024.
Apple Jing'an 静安
Apple announced the opening of it’s 47th retail locations in mainland China: Apple Jing'an.
Official Year of the Dragon Wallpapers
Apple has released a trio of wallpapers celebrating the Lunar New Year & Year of the Dragon.
Space Black MacBook Pro
The MacBook Pro schematic has been updated with a gorgeous new Space Black colour to celebrate the new 14 & 16-inch MacBook Pros.