Aurora Gradient
A minimalist gradient wallpaper inspired by the Aurora Borealis.
Light dances across the sky, producing one of the most awe-inspiring phenomena on Earth. The Northern Lights (Southern Lights in the Southern Hemisphere), or Aurora Borealis, are caused when large amounts of solar particles from the sun collide with Earth's magnetosphere. This collision excites particles, and a byproduct of that is these beautiful streams of light that dance across the sky. Living as north as I do, the Aurora occurs with some frequency - visible at least a couple of times per month under the right conditions. However, the light pollution requires me to travel further outside of town or for the Aurora to be exceptionally bright to be seen over the city lights. But most of the time, they happen so late into the night that I'm asleep.
Anyway, thanks for reading all that! You may have learned something about the Northern Lights, and as a little bonus, here's a gradient wallpaper set inspired by the phenomena. Enjoy!
Aurora (No Stars)
Aurora (With STAR FIELD)
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