Splash Screen

iOS 15’s ‘hello’ splash screen wallpapers are here for your iPhone and iPad.

iOS 15’s ‘hello’ splash screen wallpapers are here for your iPhone and iPad.

iOS 15 launched on September 20, 2021. Those who upgraded were greeted with a splash screen featuring the iOS 15 default wallpaper and a ‘hello’ animation that etched itself across the screen in Apple’s iconic cursive.

I wanted to use this as a Lock Screen for my iPhone; unfortunately, there was no way to screenshot this image during the setup process. So in the most roundabout process that absolutely took more effort than was needed, I set about creating the image myself.

Getting the iOS wallpaper was easy enough; finding that Apple cursive font became the real challenge. Since the font is not publicly available, I turned to the ‘hello’ screensaver released this summer and began taking screenshots of the greeting in multiple languages as they flashed by. All in all, I captured 25 different variations - from Arabic to Vietnamese - that I cropped and sized onto the iOS 15 wallpapers for both iPad & iPhone.

Each greeting is a .zip file containing four files: light and dark versions of the wallpaper for your iPhone and iPad. Enjoy!


I’m a one-person operation, working in healthcare by day and running this site as a passion project in my off time. If you enjoy my work (the articles, the wallpapers, my general demeanour… anything really), please consider leaving a tip through buymeacoffee - your support is incredibly appreciated & goes a long way to supporting this site!


A Walk in the Apple Park

