Six Color Sprinkles

A freshly baked new design from the Basic Apple Kitchen.

A freshly baked new design from the Basic Apple Kitchen.

The creative process for this complete nonsense wallpaper project went something like this:

  1. Looking at the Basic Apple Guy coffee cup logo and thinking to myself something along the lines of "I wonder what a donut that used the same design style as my logo would look like?"

  2. Spending a few hours inside Sketch creating the design (the dough, the vanilla icing on top, and finally the six color sprinkles). I thought it looked cute enough that I threw together some chocolate and pink frosting styles as well.

  3. Taking things one step further, I took a bite out of one of the donuts and arranged some sprinkles up top to give it that distinctive fruit-company flair.

  4. Finally, I moved the assets (donuts & sprinkles) over to Pixelmator Pro and arranged them to make a cute wallpaper for my iPhone. I liked it enough that I don't mind sharing it with ya'll.

  5. Voila! Six Color Sprinkles!


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