Sequoia Wallpapers
macOS Sequoia desktop wallpapers.
On Monday, Apple unveiled macOS Sequoia, the beautifully named successor to macOS Sonoma. The new abstract wallpaper included with the OS was stunning, and I liked it so much that I installed the developer beta to try to get my hands on it. But installing macOS Sequoia was a cakewalk compared to tracking down this wallpaper. I'm relatively new to the beta world, but I quickly learned that Apple appears to enjoy being very coy about where they bury their stuff, and this wallpaper was no exception. None of the usual folders yielded the wallpaper, and even when I finally tracked it down, thanks to a helpful Reddit post, only the daytime version could be found.
So I cheated and took large screenshots (6400 × 3552) of the light & dark wallpaper and created a third dynamic .heic file. Until someone tracks down the files inside the bowels of macOS Sequoia, these will have to do. Enjoy!
‘Fun’ fact: My brain must be exhausted because I have completely lost the ability to spell Sequoia. In this entry alone I misspelt it:
Sequoia (correct)