Rewind 2022: Articles
A quick rewind to look back at my three favourite articles of 2022.
This year saw over 60 new posts hit the site, half of which were articles. In addition to the new wallpapers, I have enjoyed writing a pretty eclectic assortment of posts, ranging from reflections about apps I enjoyed, reviews of Apple products, my trip to One Infinite Loop, and even a couple opinion pieces about the iPad, Apple's ad business, and Twitter. I also posted several articles outlining my current subscriptions, my everyday mini carry, & tier-ranked Apple's 2022. You can find these articles, and many more, in my 2022 Archive.
Two new areas I explored writing about this year included posts making mockups for Apple software (Dashboard, Settings, and Contacts) and a recent post about icon design. I've enjoyed dabbling in these two areas & want to continue exploring them more in 2023; expect more mockups and icon concepts in the new year.
But before we ring in 2023, here are three of my favourite posts from the past year. was published on: February 15, 2022
System Preferences was long in the tooth for an upgrade, looking much the same in 2022 as in 2001. Features kept being crammed into an aging design that became more and more frustrating to navigate with each passing year.
In February, I released a mockup of what a redesigned Settings application could look like - addressing some of the visual & usability concerns I had with the app. Little did I know a few months later, Apple would debut a redesign that bore a shocking resemblance to the concept I had flirted with just a few months prior. It was eerie.
Love it or hate it, the decisive new System Settings is here. Is it perfect? No, but generally speaking, it provides a much better foundation for expanding and organizing macOS settings.
Lesser Known Apple Watch Workouts
Lesser known Apple Watch Workouts I was published on: September 26, 2022
This entry was my first volume compiling tweets I began releasing in early August that mocked up various Apple Watch workouts that I wish existed. Things like 'Carrying all the Groceries in a Single Trip,' 'Building IKEA Furniture,' and 'Cable Management' don't get the credit they're due for the physical toll they exact. The Series unexpectedly became some of my most popular tweets, and it was only fitting that I immortalized the Series in a post.
Since I posted my first volume, I have continued to release new workouts weekly and plan on releasing Volume II soon.
The Case of the Singing Studio
The Case of the Singing Studio was published on: August 16, 2022
I love my Mac Studio, but since I purchased it, I couldn't overlook a very irritating high-pitched whine it produced. I ultimately settled on the culprit likely being a whistling produced by the thousands of little vents on the back of the Mac Studio, a conclusion I have not seen anywhere else. My article walks through my examination of the issue and my very shoddy attempts to fix it. Given that I have seen dozens of posts online from people posting about this very issue, I hope this article helped a few people understand it better and try to resolve it.
At the time of posting the article, I had yet to decide to go to Apple with the issue, but since its publication, I have tried to get the issue resolved through Apple Support. I have a post on that process that should make it into the blog in the new year.
Honourable Mention
There were so many other projects I worked on that I wanted to call out just a few others. Honourable mentions go to:
💸 $9.99/Month: An examination of the subscriptions I am using, the invisible drip of subscription costs over time, and how seeing it all clarified what I value and what to unsubscribe from.
🌁 One Infinite Loop: I visited San Fransisco in May, including a visit to Apple's Infinite Loop & Visitor Center locations.
📱 iPhone: Winter 2022: A look at my iPhone Home Screen and the various apps I use regularly.
I appreciate everyone who has taken the time to read the articles & hope the content adds value to you. If there are posts you would be interested in seeing featured more on this site (product reviews, highlighting applications, opinion pieces, etc.), reach out to me on Twitter or email & let me know!
I’m a one-person operation, working in healthcare by day & running this site as a passion project in my off time.
If you enjoy my work (the articles, the wallpapers, my general demeanour… anything really), consider leaving a tip & supporting the site. Your support is incredibly appreciated & goes a long way to keep this site and the works I produce ad-free & free of charge.